JUNE 1985: I meet Karl by chance at an outdoor swimming pool. We know each other because our sons play football at the same club. We have both just been through a failed relationship.

AUGUST 1985: My father and I spend five weeks travelling through the USA. I watch 'Panama' by Van Halen on a channel called MTV.

SEPTEMBER 1985: Children cling on to me in a home for street children in Mandirituba, Brazil. I get a sense of what it means to be abandoned.

DECEMBER 1985: I am called to the museum’s reception – a package has been delivered for me. I am currently going through a difficult time as I have just separated from my husband. The package is from my parents, it’s a St. Nicholas present for a grown woman and contains a home-baked cake. I am very moved, have to laugh and think: that’s the sort of thing only parents do.